Aligning with Truth.

We live in a world filled with polarising views and opinions that can feel like a whirlwind of confusion.

I would suggest that confusion itself can lead us down an interesting path of self destruction.

Confusion at first glance may seem innocent, yet in actual fact it can be a state in which we continually deny ourselves the truth.

Truth in itself can seem elusive, for many of us we may believe truth is subjective.

I agree truth can be fluid, in the sense that as we learn and gain more knowledge and wisdom through self lead education and greater self knowledge. The ways in which we perceive ourselves and the world around us indeed do change, therefore we can experience the idea that our own truth is fluid.

Yet the truth of nature, the truth of the universe also known as universal or natural law. Always remains the same.

Universal Law is the truth for everyone - Always has been and always will be.

We may learn about these concepts of universal law over time and through different perspectives which may influence the way we then integrate this truth over time into our own being.

Yet the reality is the truth itself never changes, whether we know what it is or not.

When we are constantly confused, or spend the majority of our focused time on the details of our lives, we become disconnected and disjointed to how we are actually connected and integrated with the wider world.

We may become confused about our place in the world and the truth in which we exist. Even worse, we may not know we are confused, living in a narrow version of what we think reality is, because we have never taken the time to consider the bigger, interconnected picture.

I would suggest confusion has come out of improper and inappropriate education. This process begins when we are very young and is then carried through most of our lives. As most of us are connected to the systems and structures that govern our modern life, such as educational institutions, the medical establishment, government, organised religion etc.

There appears to be a profound disconnection from the inner self, from our emotions and what they mean and how they work. We may feel disconnected and separated from Mother Earth and how she actually thrives and nourishes each and every one of us. Collectively and over time so many of us have become disconnected from all the different ways of knowing, anything that does not align to the mainstream scientific model, appears to be completely discredited as a form of knowing or truth.

We are squished, squeezed, poke, prodded, and basically forced into a box that really wasn't designed for any human sentient being.

This process happened to basically all of us who have gone through the so called civilised, modern systems, such as education. Even the children who had incredibly open families and communities are not completely free of this indoctrination.

Most of us get caught in and dragged down into this oblivious realm of inverted truth. For so many of us who have been saturated by a system which feeds us deception, manipulation and lies, that by the time we have any level of ‘free choice’ we are more than happy and indeed willing to be dragged down with the rest. Ultimately we end up in a state of confusion.

This is mostly due to the fact that so much of what we have learned and experienced does not align within us, to the very core of our being and so we begin to deny what our bodies and emotions might be trying to tell us.

Therefore ending up in a state of confusion.

From this place, we are then pressured to believe, this is also normal. That life doesn't really mean much and we are basically insignificant, that these feelings are normal and something that should ideally be suppressed or denied.

The idealisation of being Busy says it all really - Just keep busy, keep working, raising the kids, cooking the meals, going to work, playing the sport, drinking, running, gossiping, watching tv, yogaing, eating, painting, whatever it is, keep doing it, keep busy to hide from that nagging feeling of confusion.

Then one day you pause. Just for a moment…

‘Shit I'm drowning in my own life, I don't think this is what living is about!’

A crossroads, a glimpse of truth..

This is where self reflection steps in to create more self awareness. In most cases a huge shift in perception about the nature of reality and how we live occurs. This shift might not look like anything from the outside, yet from the inside it is the day you start truly living.

Self Awareness, or Radical Awareness as we fondly speak of it, is leaning in to who we actually are and aligning ourselves with the universal law. We start to understand our own worth and power and how interconnected we are with everything else around us.

Radical awareness empowers us to take our own lives back and take positive action in the world, through radical personal responsibility and a deep understanding of how the world could actually function if all beings came into alignment with the foundation that is universal law.

The starting point is recognising something doest feel quite right, from there we start to ask ourselves bigger questions and then take active steps to empower ourselves through knowledge and experience of realigning with the flow of life through universal law and self reflection.

Confusion transforms into clarity.

I will speak more about universal law and the 6 concepts of self reflection in future blogs.

Through self lead discipline we find our true freedom.

Stay tuned.


What is Natural Law?


Self Reflection : My Road to Freedom